Friday, July 09, 2004

The whole world owes me

Every one owes me just because I am a black man. I created the Universe, and I am looked at as the scum of the world. People have lost thier minds. I am GOD. I don't have to answer to anything. I am the reason this universe exists. No more prisons. And no more being ignored and disrespected by my women. Just being angry is no longer going to cut it. Waiting and struggling for a nine to five, fuck that. Those days are over. I am not marching, I am not protesting. Now I am demanding. I am taking and I am conquering. I don't want to be rich. Now I want to rule the world. I am sticking up the world for all it owes me. This is an official declaration of war. I am striking back, but this time the strike will be fatal. I(we) are under attack black men. We are still being killed off at a rapid level in a sophisticated fashion. Mind control and new age castration. How you say? If you have to ask why then you are lossed. You must learn. In new york city, half the black men are unemployed. THAT'S RIGHT UNEMPLOYED. And that doesn't even include people that are UNDER-EMPLOYED. So in a nutshell, more then half of all the black men in new york city are broke. Is it because we are lazy? MAYBE. Or it could be black men are tired of being ECONOMICALLY LYNCHED and realize that all we have is us and it is time to do for self.

So in devising my plan, we have to assess what the game is and who is playing. Who are our allies and who are our enemies? I have armed myself with the basic weapons of warfare. Or have I? I(we) scream white man this white man that, but who is this enemy that I am complaining about. How can the BLACK MAN, ME US YOU be so desperate. The lowest human that gets no respect. How can GOD be disrespected? That can only happen if I don't know who GOD is. I US ME WE YOU don't know who we are. So that is the problem. The black man is his first enemy. Ok so the first step to fighting this beast(white supremacy MIND SET) is to know myself. Hmmmmmmmm.


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