Friday, September 03, 2004

Charity and optimism

I am pleased to write about a more cheerful aspect to black men then I would normally choose to address. In conducting my daily research on various topics I was happy to come across something that made a smile to my face. Something kind of small but really very big. A nice change of quick reading that this angry black man needed to read. It was this. After reading this I made a decision right on the spot that this would be a charity that I would love to give back to. Now I am normally skeptical about mainstream charities and giving tithes to the largest institution for black people. THE BLACK CHURCH. However the was a certain feeling that came over me when reading this article. I would like to take this time to give much appreciation to the the black police officers that took it upon themselves to give back to their community while simultaneously patrolling the streets and risking their lives in the name of fighting crime. Although I am normally harsh on police officers ESPECIALLY BLACK POLICE OFFICERS, I must tip my hat to these gentlemen because starting an organization to help our youth in this way is very noble.

Concerned Black Men, Inc. (CBM) was founded in 1975, when five (5)African-American police officers organized enrichment activities forPhiladelphia area youth. Today, the National Organization of Concerned Blackman, Inc. conducts "best-practice" youth prevention programs in the Nation'sCapital. Additionally, its 24 chapters offer a variety of projects andactivities such as oratory contests, spelling bees, youth conferences, collegetours and other opportunities for youth throughout the country. During thelast school year, approximately 10,000 children and youth were touched by CBM programs and activities nationally.

CONTACT: Nate Pope, +1-202-263-4608, for the National Organization ofConcerned Black Men, Inc.


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