Sunday, August 01, 2004


I dedicate this survival guide for black men to my friend that just passed away on July 24th, 2004. Your death in my eyes was very senseless. There are scores of black men that die daily, but since my dear friend died, the necessity of black male awareness has been even more so at the fore front of my brain. Humans killing humans is probably the worst thing that can happen on the planet earth. His death was senseless because he was murdered. He wasn't murdered for a cause like liberation or basic civil and human rights. He wasn't murdered in the act of martyrdom. Instead he was stabbed in the parking lot of a chain restaurant. That's right stabbed in the heart two times after being jumped. Two men taking swings at him while the other coward pulled out his knife and stabbed him. Why did he have to die? I tell you why he had to die because of NIGGAS. Not black people that have common sense but BLACK MEN that are ignorant. This is the perfect example of why black men need a survival guide in this wilderness that we call AMERICA. We need a survival guide not just for protection against white supremacy but for THE BLACK MALE savage behavior. Charles I just want to say I miss you. Its not your fault that your own brothers are savages. Reflecting on your death makes me ashamed to be connected with some of these so called men calling themselves black. A real black man doesn't take the life of another black man. A real black man is educated. A real black man is respectful and responsible. A real black man knows how to peacefully solve his problems and constantly work at mastering how to arbitrate disputes. It is because of your death and the countless other deaths and incarceration of black men that makes me isolative and want to discontinue my black pass. How can I scream revolution and freedom of oppression when my own image and reflection on earth(black men) kill each other with such flagrant disregard. WE DON'T READ, WE DON'T STUDY, WE DON'T LEAD OUR WOMEN, AND WE OUR CAUGHT UP WITH SUPPORTING EVERYONE BUT OURSELVES. Well I am sick of preaching and trying to uplift the black man when all he wants to do is keep it real.

Charles I apologize, this entry isn't about me going on my soapbox it is about your memory. I put this writing down in the history books so it can be forever cast away to be found and discovered by the future generation. Charles I love you man and as long as I live your life will always be cherished and revived to the best of my abilities. I adopt you as my brother from another mother. My oldest brother also got stabbed so your death I take extra personal. The spot that you always worked at will be yours forever. I will turn it into a shrine. To all black men that want to continue to be ignorant then you can kiss my ass. From this day forward all black men are no longer my brother just because the color of their skin. So if you are a black man don't assume we are friends, family or kin folk. From now on black men have to earn their stripes. At this point in time I am even more prejudice. Except now my prejudice includes ALL BLACK MEN that are caught up in keeping it real instead of keeping it UPLIFTING. Charles if you are watching or listening you have to know that I miss you and you will forever be in my heart. R.I.P my brother and I will see you on ther other side. ONLY AFTER I BUST MY ASS TO MAKE A SIGNIFICANT CHANGE AND RID THIS EARTH WITH ALL USELESS BLACK MEN THAT DON'T WANT TO LOVE AND CARE ABOUT THEIR OWN RACE.