Know Thyself
In order to win this war that has been waged against the black man the first step is knowledge of self. The first piece of knowledge is knowing what I am made of and knowing that the enemy within is the first enemy. This means that there is a strong negative and carnal nature that exists inside of me that I have to discipline. This lower nature consists of sex urges, dietary habits and industrialized living that is counter to nature. At any given time these primal urges can override my good nature and make me do things that a civilized person would not do. Survival has a way of turning good men into evil doers. Regardless of White Supremacy, each man is responsible for his own destiny. NO EXCUSES. Understanding that the black man comes from a rich history of Kings and great rulers is essential to keeping an upright and civilized nature. As well as studying and emulating the many servants and liberators of the black race. To gain a proper self-identity and self awareness will take great research and a tremendous information foundation to stand on. The first step is to understand the basic differences between the black man and the white man. The primary difference is genetic. Also melanin and carbon are what primarily set us apart from white men. Carbon and melanin coupled with geographical origin is the basis of all that is and all that was the biggest obstacle to the progression of not just African men but African women as well. It would behoove the student that wishes to explore his black self in detail to fully understand the scope that melanin and carbon play in how black people interconnect with the Universe. It is the melanin in our bodies that allows us to process and with stand all that is the sun for tremendous lengths of time.
It is said that all humans possess melanin but not to the degree that African peoples all over the world do. Black people have around 360 melanin centers in there stomach region as opposed to Caucasians which only have about 40. The African/black human has primarily 12 melanin centers in the brain, while the non African/black human brain only has 2 melanin centers. The key to the effectiveness of melanin is the fact that it is primarily carbon based and is the most effective in handling the heat and rays of the SUN the primary life giver on planet earth. The ancestors of not only the world but primarily black people had highly developed body parts and organs especially a part of the human body called the pinaeal gland. This part of the body along with the pituitary gland allows individuals to sense things and visualize things in their environment that cannot be sensed through the ordinary five senses. Over time with the creation of the Caucasians and with the adaptation of the habit of eating these senses have been diluted and abused to the point where they are far less affective in these modern times then they were in the past. Also, the Universe through its natural ever evolving design has created the original human beings on the spectrum of what we know as black, jet black to be more descriptive.
The evolution of human beings came about through millions of years of the earths natural elements reacting with the ever expanding Universe and solar systems that it is intertwined with. From the creation of simple organisms and various life giving elements, humans took shape. Of the four primary elements involved in the creation of human beings, the first human beings were highly carbon based. What does this have to do with the black man? Carbon has 3 forms. Three naturally occurring forms. Diamond, graphite and charcoal. Each of these forms are originally BLACK in its formation and discovery. The original substances molded to form the original human being were of this color and of this element. The color black is the only color that can absorb all other colors that exist in the color spectrum. It is said that the sun radiates seven different wave bands or spectrums that consist within white light. When the white light of the sun comes in contact with something physical, then that white light is fragmented into seven different colors. Depending on the properties of that physical object will determine the outward appearance and color that the objects manifests. The only color to fully absorb all of these colors in the spectrum is BLACK. To test this out, grab a piece of black construction paper and a piece of white construction paper. Next take both pieces and stand in front of a light bulb. Now first take the white piece of paper and hold it in front of the light bulb. Then observe what happens. Then after that, take the black piece of construction paper and place it in front of the light bulb. Then observe what happens. After this is done a small picture of who black people are and the necessity of a strong black male self image will slowly start to come in scope. For a life long journey of knowing one self and becoming a strong black man in opposition to GLOBAL WHITE SUPREMACY, studying and constant reading of books, scholars, lectures and African history is more important than food. Not to mention an intense focus on health which will be further outlined in the latter steps in the BLACK MANS SURVIVAL GUIDE.
It is said that all humans possess melanin but not to the degree that African peoples all over the world do. Black people have around 360 melanin centers in there stomach region as opposed to Caucasians which only have about 40. The African/black human has primarily 12 melanin centers in the brain, while the non African/black human brain only has 2 melanin centers. The key to the effectiveness of melanin is the fact that it is primarily carbon based and is the most effective in handling the heat and rays of the SUN the primary life giver on planet earth. The ancestors of not only the world but primarily black people had highly developed body parts and organs especially a part of the human body called the pinaeal gland. This part of the body along with the pituitary gland allows individuals to sense things and visualize things in their environment that cannot be sensed through the ordinary five senses. Over time with the creation of the Caucasians and with the adaptation of the habit of eating these senses have been diluted and abused to the point where they are far less affective in these modern times then they were in the past. Also, the Universe through its natural ever evolving design has created the original human beings on the spectrum of what we know as black, jet black to be more descriptive.
The evolution of human beings came about through millions of years of the earths natural elements reacting with the ever expanding Universe and solar systems that it is intertwined with. From the creation of simple organisms and various life giving elements, humans took shape. Of the four primary elements involved in the creation of human beings, the first human beings were highly carbon based. What does this have to do with the black man? Carbon has 3 forms. Three naturally occurring forms. Diamond, graphite and charcoal. Each of these forms are originally BLACK in its formation and discovery. The original substances molded to form the original human being were of this color and of this element. The color black is the only color that can absorb all other colors that exist in the color spectrum. It is said that the sun radiates seven different wave bands or spectrums that consist within white light. When the white light of the sun comes in contact with something physical, then that white light is fragmented into seven different colors. Depending on the properties of that physical object will determine the outward appearance and color that the objects manifests. The only color to fully absorb all of these colors in the spectrum is BLACK. To test this out, grab a piece of black construction paper and a piece of white construction paper. Next take both pieces and stand in front of a light bulb. Now first take the white piece of paper and hold it in front of the light bulb. Then observe what happens. Then after that, take the black piece of construction paper and place it in front of the light bulb. Then observe what happens. After this is done a small picture of who black people are and the necessity of a strong black male self image will slowly start to come in scope. For a life long journey of knowing one self and becoming a strong black man in opposition to GLOBAL WHITE SUPREMACY, studying and constant reading of books, scholars, lectures and African history is more important than food. Not to mention an intense focus on health which will be further outlined in the latter steps in the BLACK MANS SURVIVAL GUIDE.